Autumn Term 2024 Club Dates & Times, 12 week term
Home-ed & Afterschool Maths Explorers clubs begin week commencing 9th of September and end week commencing 9th of December, with a 2 week break for half-term during w/c 21/10 & 28/10). All times given are UK local times. If your preferred club is currently full, with a waiting list open, please still pop your details down in our form and we will be in touch as soon as a place opens up. Thank you!
Exceptionally Maths Curious
Ages 11yrs+ but with content usually suitable for ages 14yrs+, Tuesdays 5.30pm-6.30pm, £12/child/week
Gently Maths Curious
Most of these clubs also have young people who are ‘younger’ than the suggested age range but who are exceptionally maths curious.
Ages 5/6yrs-7/8yrs, Tuesdays 4.30pm-5.20pm, £12/child/week (to benefit from this club, Explorers will need to be quite comfortable at recognising numbers up to 100 written as numerals and will already be familiarising with the concept of ‘adding’, ‘subtracting’ & ‘place value’)
Ages 8-10/11yrs, Mondays 5.30pm-6.30pm & Wednesdays 10.15am – 11.15am, £12/child/week
Ages 12yrs-14yrs, Mondays 6.45pm-7.45pm, £12/child/week
Science Explorers Clubs (online): Ages 10yrs to 12yrs, Mondays 9.45am & Ages 12yrs to 14yrs, Tuesdays 6.45pm, £12/child/week
In-person Maths Explorers clubs – West Norwood, London, 8 weeks, w/c 16/9. Please contact us directly for more details.
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